4. Internship Opportunities

The School of Information offers an Internship class each semester as an non-required elective. It is a S/U class (not A/B/C/D/F), can be taken for 1-6 credits, depends largely on you finding an internship that fits your needs, and aims to help you develop your experiences into something that will help you become more employable after graduation. Visit the internships page for more information.

For internship opportunities, please visit the Internship RSS feed.

All students requesting approval to complete an internship must be in good academic standing prior to enrollment in the internship course.  Additionally, internships may not be taken in your first term of enrollment.  Internships are designed to allow students to apply the knowledge and skills learned throughout the program and are recommended to be taken during the last semesters in the program.  This will allow students to complete sufficient coursework to lay a foundation for practical experience.