We appreciate you taking the time to visit our website. We are thrilled that you are now interested in making a gift to the School of Information.
You may make a gift using your credit card by using our secure online giving option, or by calling Mafé Brooks at (850) 645-8312.
If you wish to make a contribution with a check, please include a note indicating your gift’s purpose. Gifts made by check should be made payable to FSU Foundation and mailed to:
Mafé Brooks
FSU College of Communication & Information
C4100 Champions Way
PO Box 3062651
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2651
Thank you for investing in the future success of the School of Information.
Our Development staff are ready to discuss your plans for supporting the School, or to answer any questions you may have about the potential impact of your support.
Mafé Brooks,
Director of Development
(850) 645-8312