Undergraduate programs at the School of Information stress hands-on learning and give students the opportunity to solve real-life problems through service learning courses, internships, directed individual study courses and the IT practicum/project courses. Graduate students, including distance students completing their degrees online, rely on the CCI Help Desk to provide them technical support and access to software.
Throughout their program of studies, undergraduate and graduate students have access to:
- The College’s Help Desk, located in the Shores Building, provides students with IT assistance and access to high-performance workstations and software CCI Help Desk and Lab
- The iSpace Instructional Computer Cluster which allows students to develop, test and deploy web sites, large software applications databases and their personal virtual computer from anywhere on the Internet
- The Social Media (SoMe) Lab, located in the Johnston Building, focuses on social media research. The studio is equipped with a data visualization workstation, four experiment workstations, a 60” 3D video game and computer monitor.
- The iSpace Lab (Johnston Building) holds six editing suites for video production and Interactive Portfolio (IR) creation
- The Health Informatics Lab (Johnston Building) is designed for group projects and consumer-driven app development; the lab has group space and computers host OPENEHR software
- The Data Center/Server Lab with directs links to the Teaching Lab
- The Teaching Lab (Johnston Building) contains 48 Dual Boot iMacs; can also exist off FSU’s network for security projects/networking demos