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IT & ICT Students Push STEM at State Capital

SLIS students recently attended the 20th anniversary celebration of the “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day” at the Florida State Capitol, with more than 200 students and 20 organizations attending. The event provides students an opportunity to learn about the workplace from their parents, caregivers and mentors. Throughout the day students participated in interactive exhibits from educational institutions, organizations, and state agencies, each highlighting the importance of education and growing employment fields.

“Ensuring Florida has a talented workforce is vital to our state’s economic success,” said DEO Executive Director Hunting F. Deutsch. “By allowing hundreds of students to interact directly with professionals in a variety of fields, we are able to showcase the opportunities that await them and encourage their full potential.” The focus was clearly on growing employment sectors particularly those in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields.”

Attending for CCI were students from IT and ICT, Media Production, 3D Video, and the STARS Alliance group (which performs numerous STEM outreach efforts to the local schools). Students included: Kevin Galutera, Anthony Valente, Emily Ensley, John Seigel, Toyanne Bennett, Gina Cyrille, Sophie Janicke, and Andrew Ellis.