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IT & ICT Students Run Tech Clubs

Students in the leadership class and the STARS program worked together during the spring semester, running the Chaires Elementary School afterschool STEM club meetings.  FSU CCI students Leslie Abbot, John Seigal, Gerard Massey, Emily Ensley, and Kensley Agenor visited the Chaires STEM club every Friday afternoon for six weeks to teach club members different technology related topics. STEM club members ranged from 3rd—5th graders in gifted classes.

Topics covered each week included how to use Powerpoint and Prezi presentation software, how to build a website using WordPress, how to take apart a computer, and how to use Edmodo software. These young students were even taught how to program robots!

All of the FSU students had a great time interacting with the Chaires students. “It is amazing how fast these kids learned to pick up these skills,” said John Seigal. “It was great seeing these young kids doing things I couldn’t imagine doing at their age. If this is the next generation of college students, it’s looking pretty good!”

The work at Chaires is part of a broader engagement with Leon County Elementary Schools that started 2 years ago.  It includes: SLIS students teach elementary teachers how to use robotics, working with schools to run camps, run tech clubs, running programs for gifted children, and mentoring teachers.  SLIS has also hosted the Annual Tallahassee Gifted Network program for the past 2 years in the Shores Building.